Lost in Love on Starlife: Sunday, October 1, 2023 - Promises and Determination


In the latest episode of "Lost in Love," emotions ran high as Sai returned to the Chavan residence to tend to Vinu's needs, all while facing Virat's persistent efforts to find her.

Sai's Visit to the Chavan Residence

The episode began with Pakhi's anger boiling over as she opened the door to find Sai standing before her. Sai calmly explained that she had come to visit Vinu and had confirmed that Virat was not present. She made it clear that she was there solely for Vinu's well-being. Sai proceeded to Vinu's room, where she called out to him.

Vinu, excited to see his mother, attempted to walk toward her but stumbled and fell. Sai rushed to his side, concerned about his sudden inability to walk. She lovingly asked him what had happened, as she recalled how he had once been strong and able-bodied. Vinu described how he had witnessed Virat and Pakhi's altercation, which had left a significant impact on him. Sai realized the emotional toll the ongoing conflicts were taking on her son.

Vinu made a heartfelt request to Sai—to stop the fighting between her parents and allow him to stay with his entire family, including his grandparents and sisters. He yearned for the stability and unity that he saw in the families of his classmates. Sai reassured Vinu, promising to mend their fractured family and restore peace.

A Conversation Between Sai and Ashwini

After Sai's visit with Vinu, she engaged in a candid conversation with Ashwini. Ashwini expressed her concern for Vinu's well-being and inquired whether Sai believed she could cure him. Sai affirmed that with her treatment, Vinu would soon regain his strength.

Their conversation took an emotional turn as Sai acknowledged the evolution of their relationship. Sai remembered a time when she had been the recipient of Ashwini's maternal love, but she now found herself in a different role within the family. She appreciated Ashwini's caring nature but clarified that her duty to support Pakhi, who was now her daughter-in-law, often took precedence over personal feelings.

Ashwini shared her perspective, revealing that she had witnessed Virat's unwavering love and dedication to Sai. She believed that despite everything, Virat remained committed to reuniting with Sai someday. Ashwini also confided that she felt pained by Virat drifting away from Pakhi and wanted to prevent any further discord.

Sai questioned whether Ashwini believed she was responsible for the rift between Virat and Pakhi. Ashwini affirmed that she had seen Virat's deep love for Sai and believed that their relationship had forever altered the dynamics of Virat and Pakhi's marriage.

Their conversation underscored the complex web of emotions and responsibilities that the characters grappled with.

Virat's Realization

Virat's frustration and determination to find Sai led him back to Azad Maidan, where he had arranged to meet her. However, upon re-reading Sai's message, he realized that she had played a trick on him. Sai had lured him back home with a false message, and he was now heading back to Chavan Nivas.

Sai's Resolute Promise

Sai returned to Sheetal's house, where Savi inquired about her visit to Vinu. Sai assured Savi that they would leave soon, maintaining her commitment to Vinu's well-being.

Satya, who had been instrumental in assisting Sai, called her and informed her of a job opportunity at a Mumbai hospital. Sai expressed her gratitude for his support.

Virat's Unyielding Search

Back at the Chavan residence, Virat returned home in a desperate bid to find Sai. His determination to locate her remained unwavering, even as his family observed his unwavering love for Sai.

Vinu informed Virat of Sai's promise to treat him, but he had no information about Savi's whereabouts or Sai's future plans. Virat's relentless search for Sai continued.

As the story unfolds, the characters grapple with their feelings, responsibilities, and the complexities of their relationships. The fate of Virat and Sai's love hangs in the balance, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in "Lost in Love."

COMING UP: Virat over mic requests Sai not to run from him, there is someone who want to reunite. He asks Savi to tell her to return to his baba. Savi frees her hand and runs to Sai instead, leaving Virat in shock.


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