Faltu - Starlife Wednesday 4th October 2023 Update


Faltu reminisces the moment she left Ayaan and decided to go away. She recalls thinking that if Ayaan knew about her loss of eyesight, he wouldn't have allowed her to leave, but she couldn't bear the thought of being a burden in his life. She apologizes for leaving him and says she had no other option. She believes that if Ayaan knew about her condition, he would have put his marriage and relationship with Tanisha on hold, and she couldn't let her darkness affect his life. She resolves to stay far away from his life.

Ayaan reflects on Faltu's departure and wonders if she left him voluntarily. Janardhan expresses his gratitude to Ayaan for making him proud. Ayaan and Tanisha sit in the wedding mandap, and Tanisha expresses her excitement about the ceremony.

During the wedding rituals, Ayaan's thoughts continue to wander to Faltu. He takes Tanisha's hand as they perform the pheras (circumambulation), but he is clearly distracted. Faltu, on the other hand, is still in the jungle and is struggling to find her way. She worries about her eyesight and fears for her safety, especially from Pappi.

The wedding ceremony proceeds, with Kanika trying to ensure that the gathbandhan (a sacred knot) doesn't come undone. Ayaan's mind is preoccupied, and he absentmindedly moves ahead, almost ignoring Tanisha. The guests note this unusual behavior.

As Ayaan and Tanisha complete the wedding rounds, Faltu remains lost in the jungle, unable to find her way. She's anxious about her encounter with Pappi and her impaired vision. The wedding rituals continue, but Ayaan's thoughts are entirely focused on Faltu.

Pandit instructs Ayaan to apply sindoor (vermilion) to Tanisha's maang (forehead). Dadi and Savita encourage him to do so. However, Ayaan stops and suddenly thinks about Faltu. Tanisha urges him to complete the ritual, but he is visibly distressed. Kanika and other family members notice his unease.

In his mind, Ayaan recalls his recent encounters with Faltu and their time together. He becomes overwhelmed with concern for her. Faltu, still lost and unable to cross a road, worries about her predicament.

Back at the wedding, Tanisha tries to reassure Ayaan and asks him to apply the sindoor. She understands his concern for Faltu and believes that Faltu would be fine. Ayaan finally agrees and takes the sindoor in his hand, but as he's about to apply it, he thinks of Faltu once more.

Kanika, frustrated by Ayaan's distractions, accuses him of defending Faltu and insinuates that Faltu might have left willingly with Pappi due to greed. Ayaan loses his patience and defends Faltu vehemently, shouting at Kanika. He passionately stands up for her and dismisses the allegations against Faltu.

Ayaan proceeds to fill Tanisha's maang with sindoor, and the wedding guests applaud. However, his heart remains heavy with worry for Faltu. He is torn between his commitment to Tanisha and his concern for Faltu's well-being.

As the wedding continues, Faltu is left stranded in the jungle, unsure of her next steps. She overhears a conversation between two truck drivers and hopes they might be able to help her reach a hospital. She approaches them, seeking their assistance.

Back at the wedding venue, the family members are concerned about Ayaan's state of mind and his focus on Faltu. Kanika expresses her frustration, but Janardhan intervenes and asks everyone to stop discussing Faltu.

Ayaan's inner turmoil grows as he remains anxious about Faltu's safety. Harsh tries to comfort him and reassures him that they will find Faltu. Ayaan is determined to locate her and believes that she might be hiding somewhere. He's tormented by the thought of breaking his promise to Charan and doesn't want to disappoint him.


COMING UP: Faltu thinks I didn’t think I will have Ayaan’s sindoor. Ayaan sees her with sindoor and asks why did you marry Pappi. He scolds her and says I hate you. She says I wish I could say how helpless I am.

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