My Desire - Starlife Wednesday 11th October 2023 update


Raghav relishes watching Nayan unknowingly consume the spiked juice, and Mansi invites him to join her in enjoying the performances. After Ishani's dance performance concludes, Nayan steps onto the stage to praise her sister's talent. She mentions that once Sam's performance is over, they can consider leaving the party. The host then announces Samrat's performance.

As Samrat begins to sing, he suddenly feigns a hoarse voice. He blames the low-quality drinks served at the party for his vocal troubles and announces that he can't continue singing. This infuriates Raghav, who accuses Samrat of orchestrating this act to embarrass him. He reminds Samrat of their contract and warns him about potential legal consequences.

In response, Samrat retorts that his contract doesn't forbid him from stopping if his voice deteriorates and suggests that he could even take legal action against the party for serving subpar drinks that affected his voice. Raghav's agitation escalates, and he threatens to ruin their lives. Samrat exits the stage, and Mansi follows him, implying that he stopped singing because he couldn't bear to see her with Raghav.

Samrat vehemently denies this claim and maintains that he is content with his wife. However, Mansi kisses him and suggests that he still loves her because he didn't resist her advances. Samrat is left bewildered, questioning why he didn't push her away. He leaves the event heavily intoxicated and hails a cab to go home, leaving his car for Nayan to use.

The following morning, Malati awakens Samrat and informs him that Nayan didn't return home with him the previous night. Samrat speculates that she might not have returned from the party and rushes to the party venue. There, Mansi, dressed as a bride, agrees to give an interview to the media. Samrat arrives and inquires about Nayan's whereabouts. Mansi responds sarcastically, and a servant informs him that Raghav's room is locked. Mansi pretends to be in a panic and instructs the staff to break open the door.

Upon entering Raghav's room, they discover him asleep next to a girl in bridal attire. Mansi becomes furious and confronts Raghav, demanding to know who he is sleeping with. Samrat, recalling a similar incident when Raghav was still married to him but was sleeping with Mansi, turns the girl's face and is shocked to discover that it's Nayan.

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