Imlie On Starlife Friday 22nd September Update


Imlie decides to clean the office with the help of her company employees and attempts to bring about a positive change. However, when Dhairya enters the scene, he berates her for trying to impose her views on them. He dismisses her efforts, claiming that they have successfully stopped any potential change from happening. The employees applaud Dhairya for his intervention. Imlie, feeling exhausted, continues to clean the office herself, despite the mockery from her colleagues.

As Imlie cleans, the employees mock her, claiming that cleaning is a woman's job and not suitable for men. Dhairya makes fun of the employees for finding it amusing that a rich woman is cleaning the office herself. Imlie, determined to prove herself, reveals that her mother set an example for her when it came to standing up for herself, and she won't back down. She warns them to clean their own "low thoughts" or she'll do it for them. Imlie finishes cleaning the office and takes the garbage away, leaving the employees silently reflecting on her words.

Keya approaches Atharva and asks him to take Imlie's forgotten mobile phone to her office. Atharva agrees, unaware of Keya's ulterior motives. He decides to deliver the phone to Imlie personally.

Imlie returns to her office to find garbage scattered once again. She wonders how it reappeared and confronts the employees, who mock her for her efforts. Imlie delivers a stern speech and resolves to continue cleaning until they change their ways.

Back at home, Devika inquires about Rudra not going to the office. Rudra mentions that he has little work at the office since Imlie joined the company. Keya joins them and expresses concern about how Imlie is treated by her colleagues. Rudra assures Devika that Imlie can handle the situation, but Keya has her own agenda in mind.

The employees try to throw garbage on the floor again, only to find a statue of Goddess Sita there. They apologize and decide to use the dustbin instead. Imlie, in her customary manner, uses a philosophical approach to address the situation and thanks the employees for choosing to dispose of their garbage properly.

Atharva visits Imlie in her office, and they share a moment of intimacy. Atharva starts to complete his sentence about what is more beautiful when Imlie's phone rings. She answers the call, and it's Mohan threatening to kill her. Atharva gets furious, but before he can react, Dhairya overhears the conversation.

Mohan informs Akash and Keya about the threat he made to Imlie. Akash shoots and kills Mohan, shocking Keya. She worries that Atharva will come to the scene and end up in jail. The police arrive at the location. Atharva and Imlie also reach the site and question Dhairya about what happened. Dhairya insists he didn't do anything. Keya and Akash, hidden nearby, are relieved that their plan failed, but Dhairya gets caught instead. Desperate to escape, Dhairya grabs Imlie at gunpoint in a bid to flee the scene.

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