Lost in love on Starlife Monday 25th September 2023 update

Reconnecting and Rediscovering: Sai and Virat's Unique Bond

In a touching and emotional moment, Virat expresses his gratitude to Sai for lifting the heavy burden from his heart. He acknowledges that Sai has made him realize the errors of his ways. Sai, in her usual composed demeanor, humbly mentions that forgiving him was not an act of kindness but a necessary step for her own healing. She needed to move past the bitter memories of the past when Virat had supported Pakhi over her.

Virat, eager to turn a new leaf, suggests that they can put the past behind them and start afresh, creating a world where everything is beautiful. Sai concurs, stating that everything has indeed become better now. Her son no longer refers to her as a sorcerer but as a guardian angel, a transformation she cherishes.

Hopes and Aspirations: Sai's Perspective

However, when Virat proposes the idea of Sai becoming Vinu's "aayi" or mother, Sai hesitates. She firmly believes that Pakhi will always hold the position of Vinu's mother, and Virat will forever remain his father. Sai sees herself as more of a "doctor aunty" than a motherly figure in Vinu's life. She is determined not to disrupt Vinu's family dynamics.

Sai recalls that she had once wished for the same kind of second chance in their relationship, back when they were husband and wife. She had loved Virat wholeheartedly in those days. However, circumstances have changed, and she acknowledges that she can't play a role in destroying someone else's relationship. Reuniting with Virat is simply not an option.

Virat's Heartbreak: The Turning Point

Virat is devastated by Sai's words and seeks clarification. Sai remains resolute, emphasizing that she cannot rekindle their relationship and become his wife again. She points out that someone else rightfully holds that place in his life. Virat counters, claiming that his relationship with Pakhi is merely in name, and his heart still belongs to Sai. He promises to explain the situation to Pakhi and Vinu.

Sai poses a crucial question to Virat: if she hadn't returned, would he have left Pakhi? Virat's response is affirmative - Sai's return has rekindled his feelings for her.

A Pivotal Decision: Sai's Resolve

Sai, however, remains unwavering in her stance. She refuses to be the cause of someone's unhappiness, a principle she upheld even when she had a contentious relationship with Pakhi. She firmly states her decision to leave Virat's house, accompanied by Savi. Virat is left in shock as Sai makes it clear that he can visit Savi anytime he wishes, and things can return to how they were before. She reiterates that she cannot give their relationship a second chance, and her answer is a definitive "no."

Virat's Unyielding Love

Virat, still hopeful and deeply in love with Sai, pleads with her not to say no. He reiterates that his love for Pakhi is not as strong as his love for Sai. He vows to explain everything to Pakhi and Vinu.

Suddenly, musicians enter the scene, playing music. Sai is taken aback and requests them to stop. Virat, in a fit of anger, yells at the musicians to leave and wait.

A Heartfelt Departure

Sai reaffirms her decision, comparing their situation to two corners of a river that can never meet. She refuses to disrupt the lives of those around them, emphasizing that she cannot be as selfish as Virat. She walks away, leaving Virat heartbroken and determined not to lose Sai again.

Sai's Reflective Journey

Sai embarks on a journey in an auto, her mind flooded with thoughts of Virat's words. The auto driver asks her destination and helps her get out of the auto. Sai walks aimlessly, lost in her thoughts, when a speeding truck nearly collides with her. In a miraculous turn of events, Aabha pulls her to safety and inquires about her troubled expression.

Aabha's Wise Counsel

Sai confides in Aabha, revealing Virat's desire to rekindle their relationship. She expresses her own inner conflict, torn between her love for Virat and her commitment not to destroy someone else's life by becoming a second wife.

Aabha imparts some valuable wisdom to Sai, emphasizing the two paths that lie before an individual: one that benefits oneself and another that benefits others. She encourages Sai to choose the path that brings peace, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness.

A Difficult Choice

With Aabha's counsel in mind, Sai returns home, where Savi informs her that their aaji (Usha) called, expressing sadness in her absence. Sai, considering the loneliness of her grandmother, suggests that they go and stay with her. Savi, on the other hand, wants to stay with their father (baba).

A Heartfelt Departure

Sai is caught in a dilemma but ultimately decides that they should prioritize their aaji's happiness. She comforts Savi and plans to shift their aaji to their current residence so they can all live together happily. Sai's mature decision leaves Savi reassured.

Upcoming: Vinu's Discovery and Bhavani's Call

Vinu, Sai's stepson, notices her packing her bags and inquires about her intentions. Savi shares their plan to move in with their aaji. Vinu, surprisingly, requests Sai to stay, revealing that he no longer fears her and considers her a guardian angel.

Meanwhile, Bhavani, a pivotal character in the story, calls Virat and urgently asks him to return home to prevent Sai from leaving the house.

Intrigue and emotions run high as the complex relationships and heartfelt decisions of our protagonists continue to unfold.

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