Lost in love on Starlife Tuesday 26th September 2023 update


Sai's Dilemma: A Difficult Choice

In a poignant moment, Savi suggests to Sai that they all move to live with their grandmother, Aaji/Usha. However, Sai realizes the complexities of the situation. She points out that Vinu dada's family, including his mother and father, will not be willing to shift with them. Savi, in a moment of youthful innocence, suggests that Sai could become their father's wife. But Sai gently explains the impossibility of that idea, as her father is already married.

Savi, filled with sadness and confusion, asks what they should do now.

Sai's Sacrifice: Putting Others First

Sai decides to prioritize the happiness and comfort of her family. She suggests that they let Aaji stay with them, just as they did before. Sai hugs Savi tightly, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision.

Dr. Satya's Quest for Love

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Nurse Sheetal engages in a candid conversation with Dr. Satya. She questions Dr. Satya about his preferences when it comes to choosing a life partner among the many admirers he has. Dr. Satya, however, responds with a profound thought. He believes that compatibility in thoughts and life goals is the key to a successful marriage, not just superficial likes or dislikes.

Sheetal, seemingly focused on the idea of having children and leading a happy life, gets Dr. Satya thinking about his own quest for love. He contemplates his need to find a suitable partner within the next 24 hours and prays for guidance from a higher power.

The Heartfelt Farewell: Sai's Departure

Back at the house, Sai begins to pack her bags, signaling her intent to leave. Vinu, noticing her preparations, approaches her with concern. He asks her if she's planning to go somewhere. Sai informs him that they are returning to their original home. Savi chimes in, promising to visit Vinu during holidays to make the separation easier.

Vinu, with newfound courage, admits that he's no longer afraid of Sai. He now sees her as a guardian angel rather than the sorcerer he once perceived her to be. He pleads with Sai not to leave, but she embraces him emotionally, explaining that there's no other option.

Bhavani's Concern and Virat's Determination

Unbeknownst to Sai and Vinu, Bhavani overhears their conversation. She had hoped for a reunion between Sai and Virat, but it appears that Sai is leaving instead. Distressed by this turn of events, Bhavani immediately calls Virat, hoping to intervene.

Virat, lost in thought as he drives, eventually answers Bhavani's call. She informs him about Sai's decision to leave with Savi and urges him to return home and stop Sai from departing.

Virat is shocked and determined not to let Sai and his daughter slip away. He resolves to fight for their presence in his life.

The Confrontation: Sai's Decision

Sai, accompanied by Savi, moves to the living room with her bags. Bhavani demands an explanation for her sudden departure. Sai responds that she's returning home, explaining that hasty decisions often lead to regret.

Concerned family members gather around, seeking clarity. Sai maintains that her departure is for the best, emphasizing that she's making this decision after careful consideration. She acknowledges that she initially returned for her son, Vinu, and now that he no longer resents her, her purpose is fulfilled.

A Desperate Plea: Virat's Emotional Confession

In a dramatic twist, Virat rushes in and declares that Sai's decision is foolish. He locks the doors and windows, determined to make her understand his point of view. He insists on explaining his actions and feelings, holding Sai's hand and attempting to lead her into a room.

Sai protests, reminding Virat that she is not his wife. However, Virat hands her an envelope containing divorce papers and implores her to look at it. Sai is taken aback as she gazes at the document. Virat reveals that he had decided to leave Pakhi even before confessing his feelings for Sai.

Sai, still in disbelief, questions whether Pakhi is aware of this decision. Virat admits that she is not yet informed but understands that their marriage is devoid of any spousal affection. He confesses that he wants to remove Pakhi from a relationship that brings her only pain and suffering, making space for Sai in his life.

Torn by emotions, Virat breaks down in front of Sai.

Bhavani's Interference

Outside the room, Ashwini expresses her disapproval of Virat's actions. Bhavani, however, intervenes, stating that Virat has every right to speak to the mother of his children. Pakhi, as Virat's wife, insists on confronting him, asserting her rights. Sai, though, continues to question the seriousness of the situation and accuses Virat of treating people like mere objects.

Sai's Unwavering Resolve

Sai, fully aware of the implications of Virat's actions, is adamant. She refuses to be the cause of someone's unhappiness, even if it means that her own feelings remain unfulfilled. She emphasizes that she won't break someone else's life.

To Be Continued: Sai reveals her inner turmoil, and Virat takes a drastic step to prevent her from leaving.

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