Imlie - Starlife Tuesday 10th October 2023 update


"Imlie, undaunted, issues a challenge to Anu, vowing to unveil the darkness that shrouds the hearts of Anu and Chini, a darkness deeper than her own ebony tresses. In a fit of rage, Anu grasps her own locks, only to discover a wig concealed beneath. Imlie taunts Anu, asserting that not even a single strand of her hair is vulnerable, and she dashes away, invoking her 'naani' with a playful demeanor. Anu retorts vehemently, disclaiming any such familial connection and promptly dials Chini to relay the incident. Meanwhile, Atharva extends his gratitude to Rudra for his visit to the studio and his subsequent escort home.

Keya interjects, contending that Imlie exhibits scant concern for Atharva's welfare. Atharva, however, perceives Imlie's underlying affection, evidenced by her relentless calls throughout the night. He resolves to call her back and pacify her perturbed spirits. Imlie, with unwavering determination, tailgates Dhairya and Chini's vehicle. Chini implores Dhairya to accelerate their pace, lest Imlie catch up to them. Dhairya, in response, delivers a stern warning, threatening to eject her from the vehicle. Amidst this pursuit, Imlie's mind wanders, captivated by the call from Atharva. Unbeknownst to her, Dhairya strategically loosens the restraints securing a cargo of drums on a passing truck, causing them to cascade onto the road before her. Imlie's swift reflexes bring her car to a halt, granting Chini the opportunity to taunt her before making a hasty escape.

Imlie eventually answers Atharva's call, inquiring whether he harbors any resentment toward her. Atharva, though, beseeches her not to accord him undue respect and implores her to return home post-haste. Imlie, however, cites pressing matters that require her attention before she can comply. Atharva, anxious to prevent any further misunderstandings, urges her to maintain open communication and assures her that as long as he stands by her, no confusion shall mar their bond. Imlie, resolute and unyielding, vows not to surrender any battle so long as Atharva remains her unwavering support, reiterating her lineage as Imlie's daughter and her indomitable spirit. Atharva, in turn, offers his heartfelt blessings.

As Imlie embarks on a fervent monologue, she navigates the tumultuous terrain with unwavering determination. An unexpected revelation surfaces as she stumbles upon a photograph of Dhairya, elucidating his clandestine role as a courier boss during her past interactions with him. Recollections of Dhairya's animosity towards Atharva flood her mind, intensifying her resolve. Spotting Chini and Dhairya's vehicle in her vicinity, Imlie takes decisive action to obstruct their path, leaving Dhairya no choice but to confront her. Chini, bewildered and anxious, presses Dhairya to expedite their journey. Yet, Dhairya's adept maneuvering allows them to halt in time and commence a search for Imlie. Imlie, armed with an iron rod, emerges from the shadows and confronts Chini for her role in manipulating concert ticket dates, fostering misunderstandings between her and Atharva, and inadvertently causing Rudra's accident.

Meanwhile, the Ranas indulge in samosas, their thoughts drifting to memories of the Rathore family. An unexpected intrusion unfolds as Anu arrives, accompanied by the police. Anu levels accusations that Imlie had infiltrated her home in a guise, akin to a stealthy burglar, and subsequently expelled her. Anu anticipates Imlie's return to Ranas' abode, considering her options. However, the Ranas remain steadfast in their refusal to accept Anu's allegations, convinced that her actions stem from a vendetta, motivated by Imlie's role in Chini's arrest. The inspector, in a bid to shed light on the situation, reveals that Chini had been released from custody several days prior. Atharva, sensing a potential threat, implores the inspector to safeguard Imlie from Chini's presumed vengeance. Anu, meanwhile, expresses her preference for tracking Imlie, perplexing the inspector, who asserts that their duty necessitates locating Imlie based on Anu's complaint. The police, therefore, proceed towards Anu's residence.

Back in Dhairya's domain, Imlie fearlessly confronts him, accusing him of harboring ill intentions towards the Ranas, especially since Rudra entrusted her with the responsibility of the company. She underscores Rudra's implicit trust in his daughter-in-law over an external party. Her impassioned discourse subsequently turns towards Chini, as she admonishes her for her role in perpetuating a series of unfortunate events. Dhairya's mounting frustration compels him to resort to drastic measures, restraining Imlie and unceremoniously placing her in the vehicle. Chini, wary of another kidnapping ordeal, swiftly drives away, effectively putting distance between them. As Dhairya speeds toward his home, a sense of urgency grips him, driven by an impending family crisis."


Dhairya enters Rana house with his bags. Atharva asks Dhairya who gave him permission to enter his house. Imlie says outsiders should take permission and not dear ones. Atharva asks if she is supporting Dhairya even after knowing truth. Imlie says she will not let someone else also suffer like her mother. Atharva warns her that he will not let his family shatter. Imlie says even she doesn’t want to break his family but can’t forgo her rules. Voiceover says differences are growing, will it bring a new storm.

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