Lost in Love on Starlife - Saturday, October 7th, 2023 - Episode Update


Satya offers Sai a juice, suggesting it will hydrate her and make her feel better. Sai, however, presses him for an answer to her marriage proposal. Satya acknowledges Virat's intense love for Sai but believes that Virat will come to realize his mistake and return to her soon. Sai, determined not to have Virat return to her life, expresses her desire to marry Satya. Initially hesitant, Satya agrees to her proposal, but he suggests they discuss it further when Sai is in a calmer state of mind.

As Sai attempts to leave, Satya stops her and affirms his willingness to marry her. Sai is relieved by his acceptance. Meanwhile, Virat, feeling upset about Sai's decision to marry Satya, recalls their confrontation and Sai's firm rejection. The serial's title track plays in the background as he broods over the situation. Bhavani approaches Virat, and they discuss Sai's choice.

Satya insists on taking Sai to his house, but she intends to go by auto. Satya reassures her that their friendship remains unchanged, even though their relationship is evolving. Sai gets on Satya's bike. Bhavani approaches Virat, curious about Sai's decision. Virat informs her that Sai is marrying Dr. Satya. Bhavani is in disbelief and insists that Sai cannot make that choice. However, Virat is convinced that Sai's decision is final.

Pakhi overhears their conversation while hiding nearby. Sai and Satya discuss her intention to inform Satya's family about her previous marriage and her two children. Satya advises her not to reveal the truth to his family, as they may not be able to accept it. Sai, however, is adamant about being honest. Satya agrees to handle the situation his own way.

Upon reaching Satya's house, Sai and Satya inform his family that they are getting married. The family initially believes it's a joke, but Sai and Satya insist that they are serious. Amba performs an aarti for Sai, and the family is excited about the engagement and wedding. However, when Sai hints at her daughter staying with her and her son staying with her ex-husband, the family is taken aback. Amba retracts the bangles she had gifted to Sai and voices her disapproval of their marriage. The family members follow suit, rejecting the idea and walking away, suggesting that Satya find another bride.

Back at Virat's house, Mohit and Karishma find it hard to believe that Sai is getting married again. Sonali remarks that Sai often does unusual things. Omkar expresses his disbelief that Sai would leave her family and raise her daughter away from her father. Mohit argues that Sai has already raised her daughter alone for years and wouldn't remarry. Harini points out that Sai is single and entitled to marry whomever she chooses.

Satya confronts Sai, questioning why she revealed the truth when he had warned her not to. Sai explains that she couldn't bear the guilt of hiding the truth any longer. She acknowledges that if Satya's mother cannot accept her as her son's wife, she won't force anyone. Satya respects her decision but assures her that he will convince his mother to accept their marriage. Sai accepts her helplessness in the situation, but she urges Satya to take action. Satya, appreciating her perspective, thanks her for her understanding, and she departs.

COMING UP: Bhavani apologizes Sai on Virat’s behalf. Sai says she has decided to move on in life and marry her colleague Dr Satya. Ninad asks her not to do that. Sai says she came to take Savi. Ninad says she can’t. Women organization members protest outside Chavan Nivas and assure Sai that nobody can stop her from taking her daughter from here.

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