Lost in Love on Starlife - Sunday, October 8th, 2023 - Episode Update


Sai bravely informs the Chavans that she has decided to move on with her life and is planning to marry her colleague Satya. She acknowledges that it might seem unusual to inform her ex-husband's family about her decision but felt it was the right thing to do since they had been on good terms in the past.

Bhavani attempts to apologize on Virat's behalf, assuming that Sai is making this decision due to her anger over recent events. Sai, however, cuts her off and firmly tells Bhavani to stop. She understands that Bhavani played a role in provoking Virat's actions, as Bhavani remained silent when Virat proposed to her on stage. Sai then leaves, leaving Bhavani reflecting on her actions. Sonali questions Bhavani about the games she's playing, manipulating Virat against Sai and then trying to prevent Sai and Satya's marriage. Sai clarifies that it's not a game, but rather a family head taking calculated measures for the sake of the family, and she will not let Bhavani's schemes succeed.

Satya's family is concerned about his decision. Satya stands firm, expressing his determination to marry Sai. However, Amba, his mother, raises her objections. She worries that Sai's past, particularly her ex-husband's possessiveness, will disrupt their peaceful life and make it impossible for them to live in harmony. She draws a parallel to her own life, recalling how she fell in love with a married man who ultimately chose his family over her and abandoned her while she was pregnant with Satya. Amba fears Sai will prioritize her first husband and children over Satya, causing him pain.

Satya, torn between his love for Sai and his mother's fears, eventually decides he will not marry anyone. Ninad questions Sai about her decision to remarry and expresses concern about how the children will be affected. Sai assures him that she has thought long and hard about her decision and believes it's in the best interest of everyone. She shares her intention to take Savi away from this house. Ninad, initially resistant, eventually relents and agrees that the house will always belong to Savi, promising to be her grandfather and Ashwini her grandmother. However, he remains concerned about the impact of Virat's actions on their lives.

Bhavani, overhearing this conversation, realizes that nobody seems to grasp the gravity of the situation. She is determined not to let Sai take Savi away from the house and decides to call Virat to intervene.

COMING UP: Virat tells Sai that she can enjoy with Satya and do whatever she wants to, but dare not think of taking his daughter away from him. Sai angrily confronts him for his cheap thinking. Virat challenges her that she won’t be able to marry Satya and will have to return to him as nobody loves her more than him.

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